Thursday, January 13, 2011

All The Pretty Horses: Pages 30 - 59

Taking another look back at the book, I began to like it more than the first thirty pages. It wasn't as confusing, and I got a better understanding of all the characters. As Grady and Rawlins set out on their journey to Mexico, they come across a young boy named Blevins. Personally, I love this new character. He is a smarty pants :) but he's right whenever he is. Like about his horse, which Rawlins and Grady were both impressed with. Also, his rifle .. which he could shoot any moving target with (even Rawlins billfold). He is a witty, fresh character which I think will bring a lot more to this novel. He's just the adventure that John Grady and Rawlins need on their own adventure they are traveling on.

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